Are you thinking of updating the offerings of your grocery store by incorporating specialty foods? Click here for more information.

Creamy Lemon Poussin Chicken Piccatta

12 November 2015
, Blog

What is Poussin Chicken? Poussin chicken is a young chicken not older than 28 days and weighing between 16-20 ounces. Sometimes in English speaking countries they are also known as spring chickens, even though they are available all year long. Poussin chicken is leaner and more tender than a full sized chicken.  The young chickens have not had time to develop a chicken taste, so they are very easy to flavor.
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About Me
Improving Your Specialty Foods Selection

When I started working in my uncle's grocery store, I realized his business model was a little outdated. Instead of adjusting his inventory to the times, he was still carrying products that nobody was buying, and this model was hurting business. I decided to update things with a fresh infusion of specialty foods. I met with a few vendors to discuss what they could bring in, and it was amazing to see how much they offered. We filled our shelves with interesting, high-quality products, and our customers loved everything. This blog is all about specialty foods, so that you can see why updating is important.
